Main Mill Drive Gearing
Perhaps nowhere on earth will you find a more demanding application than a rolling mill. The applied forces, variable speeds and harsh environment make the design and manufacturing of mill gear products a supreme challenge. Xtek has manufactured main mill drive products for the rolling mill industry for more than 40 years, and currently services more than 100 applications worldwide.
We provide the most comprehensive main mill drive productsavailable in the industry today. From the selection of material and heat treatment down to the finest tooth profile detail, Xtek can design and build custom gears and replacement components that will exceed today’s operating conditions and meet tomorrow’s challenges.
Our impressive capabilities include the manufacturing and heat treatment of gears up to 200+ inches in diameter. A 2.6 meter Hofler grinding machine enables Xtek to produce world-class precision gearing that meets or exceeds AGMA 12 specifications. We have developed a consistent design strategy that draws on our many years of servicing the rolling mill industry. Utilizing the latest design software to include FEA analysis SDRC Master Series™ and PowerGear™ design package, each new design is thoroughly examined to ensure mechanical integrity.
Whether you are considering a custom replacement gear set or upgrading to a complete new drive, contact an Xtek representative to discuss your needs.